Active Archive

An Active Archive allows you to extend a file system across performance disk, capacity disk, and tape; all accessible to the end user without the intervention of an administrator. This not only eliminates the need for IT intervention when an archived file is requested, but also provides virtually limitless storage capacities in a much smaller footprint and cost per GB. Active Archive reduces the recall time of an archive file from days to under 2 minutes—even directly from tape!
Active Archive solutions also monitor the integrity of your data, eliminating the risk of data loss from bit rot, corruption, failed disk drives and bad media. This management approach provides a searchable, compliant format to store data for the total lifecycle of a file based on company policies, industry regulations and state or federal laws.

The trusted optical data archiving solution
SDS for Block, File, Object and Archive
Manage, Store and Archive enterprise level data
Tape Libraries & Storage Lifecycle Management Software
Intelligent Data Management and Archiving